Friday, December 6, 2013

Aire Flamenco Turns Up the Heat in Savannah–Part 2

For the benefit of those who weren’t able to attend the Flamenco exhibit at the Jepson, I wanted to share some of the dance:
The dancers were either from Spain or studied there

Speed and feeling are apparent in this demonstration

Aire Flamenco Turns Up the Heat in Savannah–Part 1

Aire Flamenco, a dance troupe from Atlanta, recently visited the Jepson Museum in conjunction with the focus on Spain this month and provided both flamenco lessons as well as a dance exhibition.  Woven in between the dances, a history of flamenco and the dance styles contained was given.  The exhibition was standing room only. 
Aire Flamenco at the Jepson_1Aire Flamenco at the Jepson_2Aire Flamenco at the Jepson_3

The exhibition included dances from three different dancers, singing, and guitar solos.  I would make a bet that the steps were faster than those I saw in Riverdance.  Check out Part 2 for video to prove it.  Thanks to the Jepson for continuing to bring fascinating and entertaining programs and exhibits.

Aire Flamenco at the Jepson_4Aire Flamenco at the Jepson_5

Savannah’s Best Christmas Event: The Journey

Who would have guessed that you could get to Bethlehem by way of Savannah GA?  Well, Savannah Christian Church has made that possible with a very life-like recreation of the little town where Christmas began.  The Journey is something that SCC has done for several years, but this year marks a first.  The new Bethlehem market place is phenomenal.  SCC event creators even got some pointers from Disney.

The Journey combines music (while you wait to leave for the Journey), a boat ride across the sea, encounters with Roman centurions, and multiple live-action drama vignettes that tell the story of Christmas. In addition, the kids will enjoy seeing camels, donkeys, goats, sheep, and more.  It is outside and there’s a lot of walking.  However, golf carts are on hand for special needs and elderly guests.  Over 1000 volunteers are needed to make The Journey a great experience.  My advice – Get there early!  Over 2000 guests enjoyed the opening night this week, including me!  SCC projects that as many as 20,000 people will make The Journey this year.   The cost is $5/person (or maximum of $20/family).  You can pay when you get there or buy tickets in advance from the SCC book store.  It's worth every penny and is guaranteed to get you ready for the holidays!
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Journey 2013_Savannah GA_7Photos taken by SCC Volunteers

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013 Holiday Boat Parade on Savannah River

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The City of Savannah continues to develop great family opportunities.  The most recent was the 2013 Boat Parade along the Savannah River, complete with a variety of boats and motifs as well as fireworks.  It was great fun for all. 
(Photos by Lyndsey Mixon)
2013 Savannah Boat Parade